Marma Therapy
According to Vedic wisdom, there are 72,000 channels of life force (Nadis) which flow into the physical body. These channels of life force animate and enliven the human body. The points at which prana exits the nadis and enters the physical body are known as marma points. When prana flows freely from the nadis into the marma points, there is health. If, however, the energy becomes stagnant or its flow is disrupted, health is impaired. Marma therapy works to clear stagnation in the vital energy points and thus increase vitality within the corresponding body parts.
Marma therapy is non-invasive and its effects can be experienced immediately. Marma therapy is helpful in treating stress, anxiety, digestive issues, chronic pain, constipation, congestion, insomnia. Marma therapy enhances immunity; clears emotional blockages; increases energy level;provides pain relief; improves digestion; encourages deep sleep; increases circulation to the skin; releases deep seated emotions; strengthens internal organs; balances doshas(bioenergies);slows the aging process.