Ayurveda is the Yoga of life and science of longevity

In Sanskrit “Ayu” means life, life in the broader sense as the alignment of the physical body, our senses, motor organs, mind, and Prana. “Veda” is knowledge.
Ayurveda, the science of life is the traditional medicine and the natural healing system of India. It is probably the oldest health care system in the world with roots going back over 5000 years into the Vedic era. Not surprisingly it is called the mother of all healing. Ayurveda is one of the most comprehensive healing systems dealing with body, mind, and spirit. It is allied with the profound yogic view of life and consciousness. Given its ancientness we could say that it is the original medical system of which the modern medical system are either derivations or deviations.

Ayurveda is a way of living. It is the path to achieve complete harmony of body, mind, and soul. It goes beyond any personal definition and embraces all that we can be and become. Ayurveda is more than a health system; It is a body of wisdom designed to help people realize their full potential.
Ayurveda allows us to write our life script and endows us with peace, health, and happiness. Ayurvedic lifestyle aims at the harmony of the individual with the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. Only when our lifestyle is out of harmony with Nature do diseases arise. Ayurveda is one of the newest and most comprehensive system of alternative medicine to be introduced into the West where its popularity and prestige is growing rapidly. It is recognized by the World Health Organization.
